![]() ![]() GENDER: Female AGE: Twenty Seven DATE OF BIRTH: February 1st, 1989 SEXUALITY: Kinsey 2 / Bisexual SOCIAL RANK: Eldest Lady of the House Sinclair FATHER: Duke Cameron Sinclair MOTHER: Duchess Sofia Sinclair SIBLINGS: Lord Ryen Sinclair [ older brother ] EXTENDED FAMILY: TBD 001. from the day she was born juniper was given everything and anything by her parents. there was nothing the blonde haired and green eyed child wanted for because her mother was always there to give in to her desires. this carried on through her childhood though juniper didn't ( in her mind ) see it as regularly as before because there were more sinclair children coming along. while she wasn't hateful to the other children she did not like that her mother and father's attention was divided among the other heirs. 002. even being as spoiled as her title would let everyone assume she is juniper has a great sense of propriety and does not publicly throw fits as she knows it would embarrass her family. by the time she was three she was reading at an accelerated level and in various dance classes to attempt to drain the copious amounts of energy the little girl had. as is tradition with the great southern families in america the education of juniper was spared no expense. private tutors, piano, violin and etiquette lessons took up all of juniper's time outside of regular school hours. 003. juniper is very opinionated, head strong and stubborn in every aspect of her life except love. there she hesitates on commitment for reasons she'd rather not disclose, some in the royal court would speculate the reasoning behind it is due to the competitiveness between her mother and herself. 004. through her years of dating there was one man she almost committed but the relationship ended through no fault of their own other than the commitment issues. though he started out as a bodyguard during travel abroad xayvier crockett turned into much more than that and will always be near and dear to her heart. often times when she is feeling low she calls the older man to talk to him if he is not within physical reach. 005. juniper often carries herself as uncaring and emotionless but is quite the opposite. while the pomp and circumstance of her family is laid out for all the world to see she still takes to heart some of the articles written about her over the years. 006. while juniper has no children of her own in the present moment she does see herself down the line marrying and producing one or two children. 007. juniper has grown up to be quite the woman with curves matched for the covers of a 1950's magazine than the centerfolds of today but it hasn't stopped her from using each and every curve to her advantage when the situation seems to fit or require it. 008. she is a graduate of tulane university in lousianna with a bsn in business management and telecommunications so while she is every bit as feminine as a hollywood startlet from another era she is calculating in her ventures and has a keen eye for detail. TURN ONS: spankings. hair pulling. pet names. light bondage. kissing. cuddling. being spoiled. pampering. being told what to do. being dominated. TURN OFFS: arrogance. unnecessary punishment. embarrassment. public shaming. private shaming. being told no. scat. piss. blood. intense pain. WANTED LINES: [ more wanted lines to come. ] CONNECTIONS: OUT OF CHARACTER NAME: elle TIME ZONE: eastern PLAY BY: scarlett johansson CONTACT: here or AIM available upon request. |