given name harper madeline louise hathaway

name definition Your name Harper has given you a very responsible, expressive, inspirational, and friendly personality. Expression comes naturally to you and you are rarely at a loss for words; in fact, you have to put forth effort at times to curb an over-active tongue. Self-confidence has made it easy for you to meet people and you are well-liked for your spontaneous, happy ways. You can allow your responsibilities to burden you at times, however, and possibly create mental confusion; but an optimistic view helps you to retain your equilibrium. You sincerely like people and do not often experience loneliness; your work and home-life are likely filled with association. You enjoy music and could have a fine singing voice; however, the study could be somewhat difficult because you do not find it easy to apply yourself to concentrated study for long periods. In this respect, this name is not altogether constructive; it creates a somewhat scattering influence which makes it difficult for you to finish what you start. It also creates the desire for sweet and rich foods which could cause liver ailments or skin eruptions. This name brings disappointments and emotional involvements through a too sympathetic and easily influenced nature. You need a name that will allow more stability so that you may have greater balance in your life.

Your name Madeline gives you a great desire to help people and draws you towards positions of philanthropic service. Because you are amiable and diplomatic, generous and sympathetic, you make friends easily. People are inclined to come to you seeking solutions to their problems. You have the ability to sense the feelings of others and to give good advice. If those around you are quarrelling, you would want to try to be the mediator to create understanding between them. Yours is a quick mind and you can usually think of something to say when there is a need to offset or deflect an unpleasant situation, sometimes finding it necessary to stretch the truth a little in the process. You want very much for everyone to be happy and friendly. Since your life is people-oriented, you must always hold the confidences shared with you and guard your tongue against a tendency to gossip. Unfortunately, these are times in your life when others are apt to take advantage of you because you find it difficult to say “no” especially if people have appealed to your sympathies. You are a romantic, nurtured by encouragement, tenderness, and affection. You do not like to stand alone. As you often experience difficulty making decisions, you appreciate the encouragement of others to give you the support and confidence necessary to follow through on your decisions.

Your middle name, Louise, makes you an active, dynamic, independent person with high ideals and a desire to serve to humanity. You can be charitable and conscientious in assisting those in need, championing causes to create a better life for others. You resent repression in any form. Reform and justice, particularly for children who are in unfortunate or helpless circumstances, are your constant ideals. Your desire for change, travel, and complete freedom from limitations inclines you to pursue new experiences and adventure, your impulsive qualities often taking you into many unexpected and challenging situations. Generally, you are well able to look after yourself because of your quick and intuitive nature, but, at times, bitter experiences ensue.

Your name Hathaway incorporates qualities of spontaneity, creativity, and happiness. You appreciate people, make friends easily, and look for the best in others. Your optimism and kind qualities are infectious. You make others happy through acts of generosity, a sense of humour, and your natural affectionate, occasionally flirtatious nature. Although you can be easily hurt through unkind words or criticism, you seldom show it nor do you remain despondent, for you are a forgiving person who usually does not carry hostility and resentment. Encouragement and appreciation expressed by others bring out your best. A zest for living and a buoyant, outgoing perspective keep you young in mind and body. You are an active person, and like to be at the centre of activities. Within your name are both practical and inspirational qualities. You could excel in artistic, musical lines, in public speaking, or in sales. With discipline you could be systematic and orderly; but you tend to be scattering in your thinking and habits, starting many activities that you do not finish, and putting off those jobs that require attention to detail, like budgeting. Those responsibilities are often handled in a rush at the last moment. You could be somewhat spendthrifty in your enjoyment of the pleasures of life. Your versatility, quickness of mind, and self-expression, however, carry you through many troublesome situations.

answers to harps. sass. bird. h l. ms. hathaway

date of birth & age may fifteenth, eighty five. thirty.

astrological sign & stone taurus & emerald

PLACE OF BIRTH saint helena parish, louisiana

PLACE OF residence new orleans, louisiana

relationship status marcus ezekiel keller.

OCCUPATIONproprietor of le fluer petit photography

educationbachelor's degree in photography
masters in photography and business management
completed all course requirements to become a certified public accountant.

religion southern baptist

transportation 2014 Ducati Panigale R Superbike
2016 Audi S8 4.0T Plus
2016 range rover evoque 2016 convertible

pets none, allergic.