full NAME camille renee girouard
NICKNAMES cam. cammie. cam cam. wicked witch.
date of birth & age august twenty fifth, eighty five. thirty-two.
astrological sign & stone virgo & sapphire
PLACE OF BIRTH & current residence atlanta, georgia & new orleans, louisiana.
family adelaide devaux, 4 year old daughter with malcolm
marital status malcolm devaux
OCCUPATION trauma center nurse UMC New Orleans
education master's in nursing from tulane university. speciality in trauma and limb amputation.
religion catholism
pets domino; 3 year old pit bull

hair color & length dark brown jaw length bob with honey highlights near the ends of her hair.
eye color bright blue with green around the iris.
height & weight five foot two; one hundred ten pounds.
sexual orientation heterosexual, zero on the kinsey scale.
tattoos bubble bee tattoo on left pinky finger.
scars & birthmarks two inch scar on right hip from oyster shell because of a slip and fall on the beach when she was fifteen.
right / left / ambidextrous right handed
accent southern drawl and some "cajun" ( creole ) words picked up during her years with malcolm.

Camille Girouard
occ information
play by: emilia clarke • est timezone • 15+ years exp • 3rd person storybook • adult / ftb • threading • aim for ooc • journal: camroard • l / la la